In today’s fast-paced and increasingly mobile world, wireless tracking devices are a game-changer. The technology has proven invaluable in reacting to an evolving landscape. Concerned parents want to protect their children. Employers would like to manage their mobile workforce. Law enforcement seeks new tactics in vehicle surveillance. Valuable property and assets are in need of protection.
Private investigators need to gather evidence of a cheating spouse. Caretakers of mental health patients struggle when those under their care wander and get lost. From child tracking to covert vehicle surveillance, there is constant pressure for solutions that deliver accurate and reliable location information. Our solutions have risen to meet these challenges.
Wireless Tracking
Tennessee Recovery and Monitoring provides Scram One Piece GPS services for you. We are an authorized provider of Scram One Piece GPS bracelets with the same level of product quality, service delivery, and technical support that you have grown to expect.
Scram One Piece GPS wireless offender monitoring ankle bracelet is built to track low to high-risk offenders 24/7, indoors and out.
Serving courts, agencies and service providers throughout the criminal justice system, the GPS bracelet is advancing industry standards through unmatched reliability and ease of use, and on the go convenience of mobile applications.
Simple and Intuitive..the way technology should be. Because technology should facilitate the job you need to do rather than become a job in itself.

the device of choice
Your device has to work. False pings are not acceptable. In court, you must have faith in the equipment. You must know that it works right. Scram One Piece GPS delivers trusted reliability in court and out of court for every minute of everyday allowing you to track every step of the offender.